i2m Dental

"i2m Dental" is "Incisor-2-Molar Dental" - Your home for incisor-2-molar dental care in Hyattsville and Silver Spring, Maryland. We accept most insurance plans

Dental Prophylaxis Treatment Is Important And Must Not Be Ignored

If you take great care of your teeth at home, you might ask why your dental specialist says you need a prophylaxis treatment dental. There are numerous dental issues that you may not see in the beginning. They may not cause pain, and may not give any obvious suggestions. In any case, a dental prophylaxis can enable your dental specialist to analyze these issues at the initial stage. 


What Is a Dental Prophylaxis?

Dental prophylaxis is something more than just a tooth cleaning. During the test, steps are taken to screen and improve the health of your teeth. To start with, the dental hygienist will take X-rays to search for any indications of tooth decay. Your dental specialist will review the X-rays and check for any dental issues with an exhaustive oral test. Next comes the removal of deposits from your teeth with an ultrasonic dental cleaning or scaling and root planing.

The Need Of Dental Prophylaxis


Dental prophylaxis treatment is fundamental for maintaining your teeth, but on the other hand is used to treat the starting signs of gum diseases. Your dentist will use unique instruments to remove dental tartar, which you can't do on your own. Without regular dental visits, dental tartar can develop and begin to shape under the gum line. This can eventually prompt periodontal disease, which, if left untreated, may cause tooth loss. Studies have demonstrated that gum infection has really been connected to heart diseases and even strokes!


Who Should Go For a Prophylaxis Dental Treatment?

High-focus groups incorporate individuals who smoke, people with gum diseases, and those who get a great deal of cavities. Pregnant ladies, diabetics, or individuals with debilitated immune systems mayalso require treatment. Ensure that you dentist knows about your oral health conditions so (s)he can suggest a dental prophylaxis treatment.